Tuesday, 30 April 2013

STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)/STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections), Symptoms, Treatments and Prevention -Coming soon

What are STDs?

The Diseases transmitted sexually are called STD (Sexually transmitted disease). Some Infections are transmitted from partner during sexual activity are easily curable than STD/STI.

"The chances of transmission are less when you or your partner is not infected with any of STD/STI and not involved in sexual activity with any third person before or now"

Don't worry almost all STD/STI are also curable except AIDS. AIDS is the last stage of STD/STI of infection with HIV.

List of STDs/STI are :
2. HPV (Human Papillomavirus) Genital warts
3. Chlamydia
4. Genital herpes
5. Gonorrhea
6. Hepatitis
7. Syphills

1. AIDS already discussed in article published on Health is wealth/Aids.
2. HPV (Human Papillomavirus) is know to cause Genital Warts.

(warts may differ in shape and size, Picture is showing one type of wart)

What is HPV -This is the most common STI in US.
HPV can cause Throat cancer, Genital warts, Cervical cancer an Anal cancer.
HPV is transmitted by unprotected sex (anal, oral and vaginal)

Genital warts are not dangerous but can be treated with many options.

  1. Cyrothearpy
  2. TCA (Trichloracetic acid) treatment on wart.
  3. Electrocautery
  4. Laser therapy
  5. Creams

The Chances of HPV transmission are high when:

  1. Male to male sexual contacts
  2. Sex with many partners (more than one partner)
  3. Sex without protection.
Treatment-No cure but Vaccines are available to be given before the age of 25-26 years. Gardasil is Popular HPV Vaccine. (Not sure in India due to some legal complications).

This Vaccine has some side effects like headache, dizziness, pain or redness at the point of injection and Nausea. (These side effects are not harmful for Human)  

3. Chlamydia -Most popular and frequently bacterial sexually transmitted disease/Infection in world.

 Symptoms in Women-Itching and burning in/near genital area,vaginal discharge and abdominal Pain.
 Symptoms in men- Painful urination and watery discharge

If untreated, it may cause : Sterility in women and men, Pelvic Inflammatory disease (PID) , Pneumonia and Eye infection in new born child from mother  and Nongonococcal urethritis.

Antibiotics are recommended by doctor after observation.

4. Genital Herpes -This is also Most popular viral sexually transmitted diseases in world. This is caused by
    virus that cause Genital herpes.

Genital Herpes are also called genital ulcers can be transmitted very easily through sexual contact from one infected partner to other.
Cause- Caused by Herpes Simplex Virus [HSV-1(Oral) & HSV-2(Genital)]

Symptoms- Herpes may be single or multiple, Sore formation with burning and tingling, blistering, Sore ruptures into ulcer. It is painful.

Treatment: No cure but can be treated with several medications. It is required to avoid sex untill sores/herpes are completely healed/treated.

5.Gonorrhea- Mostly sexually transmitted bacteria disease by sexual contact including vaginal , anal and oral sex from infected partner to healthy partner. The chances of multiplication/infection are less in men than women because there are multiple locations to multiply in women.

Symptoms-In men-Burning and itching sensation in Urethra during urination, Thick pus like discharge from the urethra.
In Women-at initial stage-Green/yellow discharge from cervical area, vaginal irritation and irregularities in menstruation Cycle.

Treatment-Treated with antibiotic injections with  antibiotic medicines. Regular visits/check up are required. If left untreated it may cause PID (Pelvic inflammatory disease), May affect kidney, bladder, Prostrate and testes. It can also cause sterility if untreated. 

6. Hepatitis-It affects liver.
The are five virus Hepatitis A,B,C,D,E.   

Cause- Caused by Virus Hepatitis A,B,C,D, E but Hepatitis B is more dangerous than others.  

Hepatitis A -Transmitted through Contaminated food or water sources.
Hepatitis B-Transmitted through Sexually, blood, semen, vaginal fluid, saliva  kissing and contaminated needles and to new born baby.
Hepatitis C-Transmitted through body fluid and rarely sexually.
Hepatitis C-Transmitted by blood and blood products. It occurs when Hepatitis B has infected the body already.
Hepatitis E-Transmitted through fecal-oral route and food born.

About Hepatitis B- Young age adults are more host for Hepatitis B. It damage the liver if not treated in proper time it can turn sick liver to liver cancer. HBV is more dangerous than HIV. As HBV has no cure.

Symptoms: muscle pain, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, joint pain and nausea,

Treatment.- No cure but vaccine can prevent the infection of HBV and gives protection for life. So it is advisable to take vaccine in young age as a mandatory. Doctor advice for protein and carbohydrate diet and with rest for long time.

7. Syphills

Caused by-Spirochete (Treponema pallidum)

Symptoms -It may have four stages if not treated properly.

First stage-Painless sore (Chancre) at spirochete, Sore  develops to a reddish bump and to a pimple.It may develop to ulcer and pus can come out.
It can occur on Mouth, Anal area, finger, breast and vaginal wall or cervix.
it can be visible for 6 month to come again.

Second stage- Bumpy skin rash with fever headache, sore throat, loss of hair, and swollen lymph nodes.
if not treated at this stage it goes to next stage.

Tertiary stage- Faces serious illness with the infection into other tissues and organs also and it can attack heart, brain, spinal cord, eyes, joints and other areas. It may also cause to blindness, paralysis and psychosis.

Fourth Stage-This is last stage of infection, It is very difficult to treat the disease at this stage.

Treatment- Blood tests are done to identify the infection with syphilis. This is treated with penicillin and other antibiotics. Modern medicines and treatments has reduces the chances of infection to go into life threatening stage.

To prevent this to occur, always do safe sex with the use of condom.

For more details about STD/STI refer website http://www.uhs.uga.edu/sexualhealth/sti.html and 

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